AQA Unit Award Scheme
The Unit Award Scheme (UAS) offers learners the opportunity to have their achievements formally recognised with a certificate issued by AQA each time a short unit is successfully completed.
There are no limits on:
– what can be accredited, as long as it is worthwhile and meaningful for the learner
– who can achieve, in terms of age or ability
– how long it takes to achieve or when this takes place
– how learning can be evidenced
Flexibility is key with UAS, with the motto ‘Achievement for All’. We encourage and support learners to show them what they can do, rather than what they can’t.
The AQA Unit Award Scheme is invaluable as it is an important pathway for students to receive accreditation for their achievements. It provides a wide range of units which are differentiated, making accreditation accessible to all pupils regardless of their ability. Furthermore, through allowing amendments and writing our own units, we are able to expand and customise units to our pupil’s individual learning interests and needs.
To see the potential units available please click the link below;